How to deal with living with Aspergers
Hi Dr Tony, I have recently been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, but I am still not sure how to live independently with Aspergers Syndrome? I look forward to hearing from you? F.Ali
View Articleautistic behavior?
So I have identified trends in my behavior that may or may not be consistent with a diagnosis of autism (high functioning). Obviously, the wise thing to do is to go see a Dr. in person to find out...
View ArticleThe return of Dr. T!
Yes, it's true! Dr. T will soon be returning to do another Ask Dr. Tony! But there are sooooo many questions backed up, we will not be able to add anything new this round. Now, I need to remind...
View ArticleAspie workers
How would you encourage caution in young Aspie workers in revealing their diagnosis, or at least to reveal their diagnosis in a way that is positive? And how would you encourage staff in accepting the...
View ArticleDating
Any good tips for dating for female independent adult Aspies? How to know when someone is 'interested' vs being intellectually interested in a debate or something. I often miss out on the subtle cues...
View ArticleWhich form of therapy is best for Aspie.
Hi Dr T, I would like to ask you which form of psychotherapy would be best for someone with Aspergers? Would you recommend psychodynamic, cognitive behavioural therapy, or schema therapy, and which one...
View Articleconnections between synesthesia and PTSD
Dear Dr. Attwood. I am a single mother of 4 wonderful girls. I am now under diagnosis and probably 99.9% an Aspie. IĀ“ve been diagnosed with (complex)PTSD (after sexual abuse both in childhood and as an...
View Articledeadpan vs. meltdown
It is known that Aspies get meltdowns. When bombarded with too much emotional information, I do the opposite and get deadpan/detached. There is too much going on, and I just feel I can't think it all...
View ArticleThe internet and autism
I am on the spectrum and am thinking of starting up an online business so that I can get out of the poverty I am in and I may be able to help fund an online University degree doing this. It would also...
View ArticleAutism or environmental problems?
Dear Dr Tony, I have been seen by four different clinicians and half of them believe I have an autism spectrum condition... the other half believe it may be a psychiatric condition. (In my view) my...
View ArticlePostural problems in ASD
I would like to know what is the cause of postural problems in Autism and why do people on the spectrum often like deep pressure to their bodies?
View ArticleNovember '13 Ask Dr. Tony" Installment
Hi Folks. Skype was really glitchy last night, but Dr. Tony answered 14 questions. The interview programs will be in 4 parts: In Part 1, Dr. Tony Attwood addresses questions on: - Transexuals and ASD -...
View ArticleExploitation
Dr T, I have been subjected to exploitation in many forms; from money laundering scams, bank card details theft, sexual and people posing as being friendly in order to take advantage of my good and...
View Articlestrabismus and visual processing
Hi Dr. T (and Craig) I had strabismus when I was a child by the time I was a year and a half. There were three operations by the time I was five, along with eye patching and glasses. However, I have...
View ArticleImpulsive Decisions
My adult sister makes all kind of impulsive decisions without considering the consequences. When I question them, she tells me that at the time it seemed like a good idea and as a result sometimes...
View Articlelearning
I am currently studying at college to go to uni next year but I clearly learn differently to everyone else and my reading is ridiculously slow, although I believe this is not specifically the reading...
View ArticleSleep
I don't like to go to sleep at night. I don't know why exactly. Do other people with Aspergers have this problem? J.
View ArticleAspergerĀ“s or AvPd? Misdiagnosed?
Hello Dr. Tony, I have a burning question for you (if you donĀ“t mind). I am afraid that I MIGHT have been misdiagnosed. I am a woman, 29 years old. Last year, after almost year and a half of waiting...
View ArticleCHANNEL 4
CHANNEL 4 SEEKS OUT-OF-THE-BOX AUTISTIC THINKERS FOR NEW TV SHOW Description Thinking Violets is developing an ambitious new series for Channel 4 Television. People with high-functioning autism/...
View ArticlePsychiatrist
I was wondering, how do you know if your psychiatrist is a good one? Does anyone know? J.
View ArticleHurt
I hurt myself if people do not understand and I don't know how to help them understand. Or, if I feel really bad. I cut myself. Do other people do this? I was wondering. Thanks, J.
View ArticleBooks
Will there be more books written for people with Aspergers? I have found some good ones, but only parts of the book are helpful to me and it is hard to take bits out of the is stressful...but...
View ArticleAspergers
Hi Dr. Tony, I have adult Aspergers and I am a female. I do not think I had Aspergers when I was a child. Can you have it then? Or, is it called autism when you are a child? How come it shows up now as...
View ArticleSocial Anxiety/Selective Mutism and ASD
Dear Dr. Attwood, I am a 25-year-old female who was diagnosed with Social Anxiety (with frequent mention of Selective Mutism but not a diagnosis) as a young teen. While these were certainly accurate, I...
View Articlehair twisting
I twist my hair a lot and it does not look good. I have tried cutting it off. No good. I am trying to switch what my hands are doing but it is hard to remember. It feels so soothing and soft to twist....
View Articletiptoe walking
Hello Dr Tony, I am 30 years old and I have been walking on tiptoes for the last 3 months. I did not do this before. There has been much debate about whether I have ASD. Is it possible that I could...
View Articlehelping worried and sad friends
My last question, I hope, Craig and Dr. T, many of my friends are going through really sad times, from death of a parent to job trouble to having their child not be accepted due to invisible...
View ArticleDiagnosis good and detrimental?
Dr. Tony, I first wanted to say you're my hero and a major reason I realized I have Asperger's Syndrome and finally got a diagnosis. I thought getting a diagnosis and alleviating the egregious...
View ArticleWhy not?
Why is my doctor have more knowledge, it seems, than my psychologist about people with Aspergers? My psychologist, hate him, he never has anything helpful to say to me. Why can't there be more...
View ArticleSensory overload and seizures?
I could give a long explanational history as to why I'm asking this, but I'll super-summarize it down to saying for decades within my family there have been questions raised about the validity of...
View ArticleToxic Office Politics
My sister recently got pulled into some office politics that really had nothing to do with her but as she is the only employee with a disability she got painted as the scapegoat when it was the offices...
View ArticleInternalizing and Narcissism
Hello I have been told recently by a friend that I think/care too much about what other people think and not enough about what I think. As a result, he says I do not take proper care of myself,...
View Articleaspergers and hand twisting
Is finger /hand twisting a possible sign of aspergers? I have a young son diagonsed with ASD high functioning (only mild speech delay now resolved). So more aspie possibly although he does not fit the...
View ArticleTrouble
Can I overcome my trouble I have with reading people? I try not to get into unsafe situations, but seems takes me longer to understand people. J.
View ArticleSCD diagnosis
Question: How do I know if SCD is the right diagnosis for me, should I care if it isn't, and how do I stop caring? I was recently diagnosed with SCD, but I question the diagnosis. Since I'm a 'gifted'...
View Articlecoping with procrastination & depression
I would like to know if there is any help planning for the future and getting things done. I have had a problem with procrastination since at least 5th grade, probably earlier. My anxiety started much...
View Articlefather with ASD?
Summary: Is there anything that would help my father over 70, who has alienated a lot of people and now suspects ASD? Or the rest of us to recover? Since I went for diagnosis, my father has also looked...
View Articledisclosure and work
I have some trouble at work. I teach ESL in Hong Kong and was recently diagnosed with SCD. I'm wondering how I can cope or whether I should disclose the diagnosis. They've assigned another teacher to...
View ArticleSeeing someone with ASD
For years I have had a serious crush on a friend/coworker of mine who has ASD (he only recently found out he had it but had long suspected). About 8 months ago we became coworkers and started hanging...
View ArticleInterest in Violent Fantasy
My 10 year old HFA, gentle, loving, non violent son often talks about violent scenarios e.g Is it worse to have boiling water thrown on you or to be stabbed? He also frequently talks about his desire...
View ArticlePhysical fights
What to do if a child goes into a physical fight with a sibling or a "friend" at school. How to manage the situation so no one gets hurt and how to proceed after that, should we discipline in some way?...
View ArticleToo much and too little love
Ive decided that I want to move in with my boyfriend who also has Aspergers. This is a massive step for us both and I have never lived with anyone else before. He, like everyone has faults though. He...
View ArticleAutistics on communes.
How would a person with ASD manage to live on a commune? Would it be easier or harder? I would like to try living on a commune myself but I can't see my boyfriend coping without the technology that...
View Articlefrustration
Hi, I have been diagnosed as having Aspergers syndrome and I am dating an Aspie as well. Unfortunately he can really drive me up the wall when he talks about irrelevant things such as his favourite...
View ArticleDr. Tony's Conference Clips
[img] [/img] As a part of the Aspie Mentor panel discussion at the June 2014 Flying High with Autism Conference (Pensacola, FL), Dr. Attwood...
View Articleteacher
I am a first grade teacher for an autism classroom. This will be my first year. what is the best way to center change the children, have the children center change or have the aids center change? Is a...
View ArticleDifferenciating between AS & personality disorder?
Is it possible to have Asperger's Syndrome as well as borderline personality disorder (or PDs in general)? While I meet the criteria for BPD and do think that diagnosis is correct, I can also relate to...
View ArticleList of Question Ideas
Hi, maybe I'm not understanding the forum, but could it work to make this new folder the place for listing questions for Dr Tony? I see it as the most efficient way of browsing questions rather than...
View ArticleUnderstanding, not reacting
Being told I had Aspergers at the age of 17 turned my world upside down, everything suddenly made sense: My complete lack of judgement of others, my obsession with trying to understand why people do...
View ArticleToiletting
My son had some fears about peeing in the toilet (instead of his pants!) but eventually with encouragement was able to use the toilet around 6 years old. He was still poohing in his pads at that time....
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